
Our season runs from June to August 

Most of the guests who come out with us are part of a group of one type or another and, as such, their trip is booked by their organization. 

Please Note: RCMP camp bookings are limited to groups of ten (10) guests including supervisory staff. Groups larger than ten (10) will be booked into the Long Island Locks location where they will be separated into sub-groups. 

We are also often approached by families who have a family member who is not part of a group but would like to participate in one of our trips. In response to these requests, we have identified 3 dates on our calendar that are reserved for these situations. On these days we will group together individuals and one of their family members with others in a similar situation. These days are shown on our Calendar as either "Dows Lake - Reserved for Single Participants", or "RCMP - Reserved for Single Participants"